A distinguishing feature and the most beautiful part of Pałuki women’s costume are bonnets. They were made of linen or tulle, embroidered, with long ties called bands. They were worn by married women, initially in the mid-19th century, they were made of linen, without bands, and were tied with a silk scarf, most often purple. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, tulle bonnets appeared with narrow and short bands, tied with a bow under the chin. At the beginning of the 20th century, the bands of Pałuki bonnets gradually widened and lengthened up to the knees. They were then pinned under the neck with brooches or held with beads. An additional decoration of the Pałuki bonnet are rows of tulle strips in the form of tiara, the so-called ryszka. Rolled colorful ribbons were sewn between them. They were most often worn in white, but there were also pink, blue, purple and green ones, but yellow and red were never seen. Another way of finishing the bonnet was the so-called jabot, i.e. a draped, embroidered strip of tulle decorated with artificial flowers.